Naavi has built a New Theory of Data to add clarity to the enigma of “Data”.

This theory is built on three hypothesis namely,

1.Definition Hypothesis

2.Reversible Life cycle hypothesis

3.Value addition hypothesis

The objective of this new theory is to bring clarity to different stake holders who are looking at Data with different perspectives.

The Privacy Activists look at Data as an instrument to protect the Right to Privacy of an individual.

Governments are looking at Data for intelligence required to meet their duty to secure the society.

The Technologists are working round the clock to analyze data and extract value out of it through Artificial intelligence oblivious of the Privacy or Security considerations.

Business is looking at Data for its value in terms of money and are trying ways and means to bypass the Privacy regulations and Governmental restrictions.

Data Protection laws try to balance the requirements of Privacy, Security and the Business.

The need for a common understanding of what Data means to different people and why has prompted Naavi to come up a theory of his own based on the three hypothesis indicated above.